About Us
The story of CHHAYAPATH, CalcuttaChhayapath, Calcutta was established in 1983 by a group of young photo enthusiasts with an objective to promote Photography as a medium of most modern visual art form with active participation and contribution in the arena of contemporary world photography. Encouraged by the early success of its members in all national & international salons & exhibitions, activities of the club was expanded further with introduction of a Photography Certificate Course in 1984, and a Diploma Course in 1987, both under auspices of Federation of Indian Photography, at a very nominal fees. With an unbroken record of continuation, the 40th Basic Course currently is in completion stage. The Course is considered to be one of the most effective and educational with efficient and active guidance of senior club members who are renowned photography personalities across our country.
CHHAYAPATH, Calcutta has maintained a steady pace of success. The club with its tremendous organizing ability, wide periphery of activities and achievements in individual photographic excellence has earned a premiere place among the foremost photographic clubs of India & abroad. It is the only club having its members with maximum number as also top FIAP and PSA distinctions in India. The performance of the club in last few FIP Club Contests and FIAP World Cups has been remarkable and praiseworthy.
CHHAYAPATH, Calcutta started organising International Salon of Photography in Print medium in 1986 which was subsequently converted into an International Salon in digital medium in 2010. The club is organizing at least 2 Exhibitions every year – one with the award winning photographs in the yearly International Salon organized by the Club, and the other with the noteworthy Photo-art created by its members and also students of the yearly Basic Photography Course.

142/1,Rashbehari Avenue, (Ground Floor),
Kolkata 700 029.
Email ID: cs.chhayapath@gmail.com
Contact Number(s):
President +91 85840 33287
Secretary +91 94330 63130
Course Secretary +91 98318 12302
Thurs – 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm
Registered Office
B/19-A/H/3, Pratapaditya Road,
Kolkata 700 026.
Email ID: chhayapath_calcutta@yahoo.com
Contact Number :
President +91 85840 33287
Secretary +91 94330 63130
Course Secretary +91 98318 12302